In the process of doing all my preop tests for gastric bypass, I was required to go in for a sleep study. That's because once you have sleep apnea, they take extra precautions with you when they put you under for a surgical reason. The best night of sleep I'd gotten in months was during that study - and I was up twice to pee! This is odd. Not one person I'd spoken to before I did the study believed I'd get any sleep at all. I truly didn't think I would either, but I guess it helps to chase a 2 year old all day long.
Because I woke up refreshed and raring to go at 5 am, I foolishly thought I might have escaped that sleep apnea hurdle. But it looks like I was wrong. I go back on the 21st for an hour long appointment during which I'm supposed to hear the results of my tests, and I imagine so that I can be pressured to fit in some more overnight stays so that I can be fitted and adjusted on that fancy schmancy novelty item called a cpap machine. You know, the one that makes anyone who wears it look like a comatose Leia on a mynock hunt.
I imagine that it will have a hugely positive impact on my mental health too, whereas I feel foggy and groggy and just plain bleh now. I'm looking forward to the day when I wake up refreshed, rested and like I've just been on an 8 hour vacation. Yep. That would be freaking awesome!
They say that lack of sleep or ineffectual sleep is a breeding ground for depression and anxiety. Reason being that your body isn't getting the whole rest it needs to regenerate itself.
They say the same about exercise. And to that I steps bitches. Let me get some good rest, lose a little weight, start breathing better, then I'll give the killer exercise a more concentrated effort.
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